Monday, March 18, 2013

Assignment 9- Digital Storytelling outline

For my Digital Storytelling I would like to keep my focus on obesity. I will probably navigate away from childhood obesity since there may be some challenges with minor’s identities and such. 

One story line may be from a person who was lured in to the fast food chain or never really learned how to make the right food choices and show how they have successfully become healthy, lost weight and kept it off. I see the interview setting in a restaurant where we can see how the person orders their food. Then during dinner talking about their past- what they think they were doing incorrectly, what was the turning point that made them decide to make a change. Maybe even try to get back to their childhood-what were they taught about nutrition? 

Another story line may be different sets of parents and their ways of handling the temptations of “easy, fast, convenient” choices for their children, or going the un-traditional route of making dinners, and actually teaching their children how to make the right food choices. What challenges do they encounter as parents? What challenges do they encounter as an adult who just wants to have “pizza and beer” once in a while? Is there peer pressure from other parents? Do they feel pressured into going to the fast food places because other kids’ parents are taking their own there? Is there pressure from advertising? The first story line will have to have more questions, but I would like it to be more conversational so it can give it a feel of a private moment in someones life, being told. The second story line would be sort of documentary-like in the sense of following a couple of parents around not just one person.

note: If anyone knows anyone that would like to be interviewed as a success story for changing their lifestyle- ei making better food choices, losing weight and keeping it off?  if you know anyone or you want to be interviewed please let me know! I'll take them/you out to dinner (a healthy one, of course) and it shouldn't take longer than a couple of hours!!!